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OUR workshops

Welcome program or community director, parent, or interested student.  NAUEP offers award-winning and world-renowned etiquette workshops and programs for individuals and groups nationwide.  Schedule an etiquette workshop by filling out our interest form for an upcoming event or program to schedule your etiquette experience.  

Wedding Table Arrangement

Dining etiquette  thru basic-advanced

Schedule an interactive dining etiquette experience in your home or for your audience that will empower them with basic to advanced dining etiquette skills that will help attendees of all ages dine with grace and confidence.  Taught by the nation's leading etiquette experts, complete the information form to schedule an expert.



Utensil Identification and Usage

Restaurant Anatomy

Dinner Conversation

Dining Etiquette

Napkin Usage


Costs:  Fill out our form for pricing.

Contact the National Office with questions:


Empower children early through etiquette.  In this interactive workshop, the basic tenants of etiquette and are provided with hands-on practice.  This 45-minute workshop can be conducted in the virtually or in-person for groups.



Etiquette and Social Graces

Proper Greetings

Civility and Etiquette

Etiquette in Public

and much more...


Costs: Fill out our form for pricing.

Contact the National Office with questions:

Class Portrait

business etiquette / basic-advanced

From a casual work environment, to becoming a corporate elite, NAUEP offers business etiquette workshops that prepare audiences of all ages and sizes to thrive in a professional setting.  Etiquette experts teach new and established professionals the rules of business etiquette and how to build a career or business of influence.  Schedule your business etiquette workshop today.



Business Etiquette and Professionalism

Interview Etiquette

Business Attire

Business Communicaiton


Costs:  Fill out our form for pricing.

Contact the National Office with questions:


Your image speaks to your credibility, style, attention to detail, and competence.  Empower your career or business with the NAUEP Image Etiquette workshop from the privacy of your own home or for a group.  Complete the interest form to schedule an image etiquette workshop for your personal development or for your group.


Workshops include:

Components of Image

The Power of Color

Crafting an Image that Defines You


Sitting, Walking, and Standing 

and much more...


Costs:  Fill out our form for pricing.

Contact the National Office with questions:

Model Applying Lipstick

Book your Class

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Start your Etiquette Journey

539 Commerce Ste. 265 

Dallas, Texas 75208


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